Today was very productive!!!!We got started right away putting in board down the hallway. Amanda's dad worked one end by the master bedroom and I worked from the kitchen.

Not long after, Jay and Erin showed up to lend a hand. Jay and I got busy right away with Tom putting in more boards.
Erin got to work finishing up the closet doors.
After looking at the bathroom now and seeing everything else soo

nicely painted, Amanda decided to paint the cabinets and give the bathroom a fresh coat of paint!!!!
The men continued with the floors. We finished the hallway and the

corner for the fridge. that was the main priority for me today. The fridge is being delivered tomorrow and it needed to be done. I looks great with the molding up!!! Thanks Ruth for getting all the molding painted today, even though we think she caught amanda's cold (see begining of painting).

I only h

ad 2 mishaps, well not really mishaps and not really injuries. But the hammer met my finger twice, and not different fingers, THE SAME FINGER, OUCHHHH!!! Smashing your finger with a hammer hurts, if you didn't know that.
As you can see, we got alot of work done today and it really looks great. Looking forward to tomorrow and Craigs help once again to finish the hardwood floor in the master bedroom and hopefully we can get our furniture in a little early!!!

Thats all for now, need to go relax and rest my back/legs/arms/FINGER so we can have a productive day tomorrow. Might be abel to use the snow thrower again soon, snow in the forcast!
Looks great...there I am in the background "going to town"