Blog is back and ready for some fun. Its been a while since a real in depth blog post. I've been busy doing work around the house and amanda has been excite

d and "puppy proofing" the house. Yes, as seen in previous posts, we are getting a puppy on thursday, Fenway Frank, a red long haired dachshund.
In honor of his arrival, we purchased a package of Fenway frank Hot dogs. As you can see in the picture, we have his food bowl ready, a crate, baby gates and already lots of toys. More pics to come of the little guy on Thursday after we pick him up!!!
I've been kept busy on the side working on some logo designs for what is becomin the next best thing to NESN (or so Craig thinks and hopes) I've been creating some various logos, banners and other random things for him and his Logo design contest. Some of the designs can be seen on his blog page as well as his facebook page.
Another thing that has kept me busy, my new hobby, Rock hunting. I've recently realized that, yes since I live near a quarry, we have rocks. Around the edge of the tree line, I have found out that when they built our house, and rocks they had they threw to the sides and now have been grown over throught the years. Now, the explorer in me, has found these rocks and am making it a mission to uncover as many stones as possible.

My first project with found stones was to create a stone island/mountain and incorporate my lighthouse to cover, protect and disguise the well. Looking at it now, you would never know there is a steel pipe coming out of the ground!!
I am now creating a stone garden on the side of the firepit to add some hardscaping to an area that right now seems overgrown. I will have more pics of that as the work progresses.
here are some recent pics of the house:

this was the garen when first planted, the veggies have grown alot since this pic was taken. More pics to come as things grow!!

Well thats all for now. More updates thursday or friday after Fenway has Arrived!!!