Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Winter has begun, and that means snow. I love the snow, i love to watch it fall I love to shovel and use the snowthrower, I love to ski in it and play in it, i just love the snow.....but one thing I don't like is the cold air that comes along with it. I have always dreamed of having snow in a warmer climate without it melting. wouldnt that be great!!!!

Fenway is getting used tot he snow, seeing as though i have to shovel him out spots to play and go to the bathroom, he is enjoying it, the snow is about 12 inches deep, he is about 6-10 inches tall, you do the math, he's a short guy.

He had a fun Hanukkah, got some new toys, some treats and even got to play with bailey. We had a nice hanukkah too, spent some time at my parents with latkes and candles.

Went to Rob and Lisa's for an extended family christmas, Fenway got to play with Oliver and Mark & lauras new dog, Hercules the hot dog, another long dog friend.

So now its almost Christmas, quiet at work, everyone is off shopping and worrying about what cookies to bring to the holiday party. I thought, what a better time to take a moment and write in this trusty ole blog of mine. If you get bored of this, jump on over to Craigs page and read about some boston sports over at 4sportboston.com

Speaking of boston sports, the Bruins are playing at Fenway next week on Jan 1 for the Winter Classic. Tickets for that game were impossible to get and/or extremely expensive. So I bought a few raffle tickets to win some to benefit Travis Roy's foundation. The raffle was oringally to be pulled Nov 1...delayed to Dec 1.....delayed to Dec 18.....which brings us to to the final dealy of Dec 22....TODAY....I still have hope that I may win these tickets. It would be AWESOME....although we would have to cancel our plans we already made with friends.

And speaking of the winter classic.....this is one thing that is crazy, the city of boston gives 3000 free tickets to families in the city to skate on the ice, a once ina lifetime oppurtunity....and people are out there selling them on ebay/craigslist for thousands of dollars......thats insane....where is the fun in that!?!?!?!?!

So in the end, I'd like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season....Happy Hanukkah...Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


SO as I said in my last post.....snow...was a different story. Now earlier last week we had a very brief little snow squall where we woke up and had some snow dusting in the yard....not soo bad for October...i mean it does get chilly sometimes..... but Sunday was something totally different.

If any of you watched the patriots game on sunday you know what I am talking about.
The picture to the left was taken by a random FB friend, and i stole it for blogging purposes. As you can see, the grass is white and the grounds crew were shoveling off the lines and had piles and piles of snow on the sidelines.

Now this is something you would expect in ...say January or even March, NOT OCTOBER!!!! (side note....I am not hating on snow, i love snow, just not this early)

At our house it snowed all afternoon, it covered the ground but didn't have the chance to stick around for morning. We took Fenway out in it and he wasn't quite sure what to think of the huge flakes that were falling from the sky.

Now this week the weather is gettin back to normal, mid 60s right where it should be for the fall.....but i heard a forecast for rain again saturday.....ENOUGH WITH THE RAIN on the WEEKENDS!!!!! this whole year of weather has been crap. give us a break!!! We work all week and want to enjoy our weekends with nice weather.

well thats my weather rant for the day.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Been a while

So it's been awhile since my last post. Many things to touch upon to bring yall up to speed

Fenway......He is growing up so fast. Last I wrote about him he was getting the snip, he is all healed and ready to party. He is up to a whole 10 lbs and that's about as big as he will get. I recently built him a ramp so that he can join us on the couch and he's learned fast how to go up and down on his own.

AS you can see in the picture below, he experienced his first snowfall this past weekend in OCTOBER....(NOW THATS A HOLE DIFFERENT STORY). He wasn't quite sure how to react to it, but I don't think he likes the coat that much. Keeps him warm, but he hasn't figured it out yet.

He will start basic training next month at his favorite place....Paw Planet with Jan. He is looking forward to it, especially since it will be all dogs about his size....sorry Brutus, the bull mastiff.--------------------
Amanda and I recently celebrated our first anniversary. We first dropped Mr. Fenway off with my dad in Marshfield. He had a fun time with him and even got to the beach!!

Amanda and I went to a move at the Cinema Lux Level at Patriot Place...Great place to see a movie and have a good meal. Lots of fun!

We then spent an enjoyable weekend (sunday-Monday) on Block Island. We stayed at the Spring House Hotel. One of my customers is the owner, so it was nice to check it out. Amanda and I rented a moped and drove aroudn the entire island...in under an hour and a half....wasn't too big. We drove on every paved legal; road.

We took this picture at the end of the road, by the North Light house. Thank you to everyone for your well wishes and cards!!

House projects....

So we have been in the house since February and I always have some sort of little project to work on. My latest endeavor is finishing the laundry room. Right now it resembles a pink insulation dungeon. I have taken down the 1 board that is currently up and purchased some new drywall to put up. With tape and mud from my dad, I will attempt at finishing and painting the room. I am looking forward to this project and making a nice place to do laundry

Also on the radar, we are looking into removing the rest of the ugly green carpet and replacing with something less ugly.


I have revamped and recreated my graphic design website. I have been doing lots of work recently for a future club in the Providence area, looking to open in November!!!

I also have been working closely with Craig on his creation and build up of 4sportboston.com. I have been creating logos, t-shirt designs and even a guest on the weekly podcast!


Thats about it for now.....a short recap of my life right now, more posts to come in the future!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Snip

So Today Fenway got neutered. I felt so bad for the little guy. He didnt know what was coming, he was to be put under anestesia and when he woke up, he had an incision....down there. Poor guy. Now he is sporting a fancy new ECollar. We had the one from the vet, but he wanted no part in it so we were lucky enough to go down to Paw Planet, fenways favorite store, and picked up a better cone collar that snapped on and much easier for him.

As much as I did not want a dog about a year ago, I love this little guy. I never knew how much i could love an animal. I was so worried about him today and I was so excited to see him when I got home from work. i layed down on the floor with him and cuddled him like a baby.

We have had so much fun with him in the first few month. Our friends and fmaily love him too. Even Caleb wanted to buy him a shirt for after his surgery....and no not a doggie shirt, just a regular t-shirt.

He has learned how to go up and down the ramp I built, he does it on his own for fun.

It's bed time on night one of cone wearing, neutered dog. Not sure what this night brings, but hopefully he will sleep the night as usual and we dont have any issues.

thats all for now.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009



This was fenway practicing his Papelbon staredown:

this is Fenways most favorite place, by the back door where he can look out:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fun with fenway

Lets start out with a funny caption from Amandas facebook.

Amanda Lacouture Matthews is @ the park with Fenway & Sean.

Yesterday at 7:16pm

Alex Kasendorf
not to be confused with at Fenway Park with Sean


Yesterday we took fenway to the park and went for a walk on the trail. Ever since fenway and Bailey played together and walked together on the 4th of July, he has been walking better on the leash.

We like taking him out so he can meet other dogs and interact with other people too.

This past weekend was the 4th of JULY. As mentioned in previous posts as well as when we were doing work on the house, we had a great 4th/housewarming party!! We had about 30 friends and family gathered at our house. It was really nice to see everyone there.

More pictures of Fenway and Bailey as soon as my mom uploads them to facebook, so if you want to see them, send her a message!! :)

This is his usual nightly pose:

and a few other pics we have:

In other news, I was the recent winner of the t-shirt contest for www.4sportboston.com and appropriately wont eh FENWAY FIRE DEPARTMENT Shirt from supahfans.com

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

RAIN+Puppy=wet dog

So this rain has got to stop. It makes everyone miserable. Hopefully tomorrow we will have some nice weather. This will do 2 things for me, allow the grass to dry, and allow me to mow the grass. Wet grass is not something fenway likes at all. He has his little short legs which means he is right down there close to the grass. When we bring him out to "do his business" he quickly runs back to the cement walkway.....where there is no wet grass. It doesnt help that the grass is growing and I dont have the chance to mow it. We've only had a few nice days since Fenway has come to our home.

TOnite we had some fun playing with the squeeky ball. We also had a short photo shoot, which again, he thinks the camera is a toy.....not so much.

And of course, Gotta have a little fun with him too:

Click the pic to visit Craigs Boston Sports Blog!!

til next time........

Saturday, June 20, 2009

another good day

so the excitements comes during the day when fenway "POOPS" and "PEES" he has been really good with the training. He is getting used to going outside here and is realizing he is doing something good. After he goes he runs right over for praise!! He is doing great responding to his name, the breeder started this early so that helped a ton.

Fenway has been getting used to his collar/harness and leash. he still doesnt like it but slowly he is getting used to it.

We ventured accross the street today and met some neighbors. They were very friendly and excited to see there new little neighbor. They welcomed us to the neighborhood and fenway made some more friends.

Tomorrow is fathers day and we are headed to Marshfield to see my dad and mom. They are very excited to meet fenway.

We will have more pics and videos we took today uploaded most likely either tomorrow night or monday, Amanda is out for Betsy's bachelorette and I think she has the camera.

So thats all for tonite.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


So this evening, Amanda and I picked up our new pup from the Breeder. We have had some fun with him and now its time for him to get used to his new crate and sleep. We know it will be a long night, its a new home, no other puppy friends and new people.

We will have more pics and videos soon. Stay tuned for updates!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rock garden

my latest project in the back yard

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Blog is back

Blog is back and ready for some fun. Its been a while since a real in depth blog post. I've been busy doing work around the house and amanda has been excited and "puppy proofing" the house. Yes, as seen in previous posts, we are getting a puppy on thursday, Fenway Frank, a red long haired dachshund.

In honor of his arrival, we purchased a package of Fenway frank Hot dogs. As you can see in the picture, we have his food bowl ready, a crate, baby gates and already lots of toys. More pics to come of the little guy on Thursday after we pick him up!!!

I've been kept busy on the side working on some logo designs for what is becomin the next best thing to NESN (or so Craig thinks and hopes) www.4sportboston.com I've been creating some various logos, banners and other random things for him and his Logo design contest. Some of the designs can be seen on his blog page as well as his facebook page.

Another thing that has kept me busy, my new hobby, Rock hunting. I've recently realized that, yes since I live near a quarry, we have rocks. Around the edge of the tree line, I have found out that when they built our house, and rocks they had they threw to the sides and now have been grown over throught the years. Now, the explorer in me, has found these rocks and am making it a mission to uncover as many stones as possible.

My first project with found stones was to create a stone island/mountain and incorporate my lighthouse to cover, protect and disguise the well. Looking at it now, you would never know there is a steel pipe coming out of the ground!!

I am now creating a stone garden on the side of the firepit to add some hardscaping to an area that right now seems overgrown. I will have more pics of that as the work progresses.

here are some recent pics of the house:

this was the garen when first planted, the veggies have grown alot since this pic was taken. More pics to come as things grow!!

Well thats all for now. More updates thursday or friday after Fenway has Arrived!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Meet fenway frank

this is the future addition to the Matthews household!! Here he is about 6 weeks old We will get him when he is about 11 weeks old!!! He is a red long hair dachsund aka: Hot dog (hence the name...fenway frank ....for all those who read this that are not from boston, those are the hot dogs served at fenway)

One neat thing about this puppy, he shares the same birthday as amanda, march 28th!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Long time no posts - time to post

So alot has happend since the last house post. We have done many things at the house and it really is now our home. It is a place that we are very proud of and proud to say its ours.

here are some updates

More to come soon as we do more work


Going to meet our new dog tomorrow!!!


Check out Craigs new website www.4sportboston.com

Monday, May 4, 2009

excitement on Hartford Ave

This afternoon the little town of Uxbridge saw some excitement on Hartford ave. All of a sudden about a half hour after i got home from work i hear sirens coming up the street, mind you, in uxbridge we very rarely hear a siren, unlike fitchburg or north providence where it is part of the normal day to hear sirens allll day.

i notice cars stopped and not moving, another police car shows up and I decide to go "check the mail"....in the mean time 2 ambulances and lots of uxbridge emergency personell show up. I felt like i was in the middle of a dane cook comedy sketch, people were coming out of there houses, i did though put shoes on. In the end, I met another one of our neighbors and saw a pretty well crunched front end of a ford explorer and a mustang with the entire drivers side door and wheel crunched in, airbag deployed. I know the EMTs were helping some and ambulances took away some, hope everyone was okay!

thats all from hartford ave!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


So today is my Birthday!!! 25 years.......

25 years have been great

born april 28, 1984 and since then I have shared many years of fun and excitement with many friends and family. Thank you all and I look forward to many more years!!!!!

gotta get through work today and then a fun night with the guys tonight!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

First Mowin

Well let me first start this entry out talking about yesterday. After workin at the golf course in the morning, Amanda and I went to go pick up my Jeep from Matt, We switched vehicles so I could use his truck to get the rest of Amandas grandmothers dining room set..... So when I picked up my jeep, i didnt even recognize it, matt had taken the time to completely wash it, and detail the exterior, and even WASH / CLEAN / SHAMPOO / ORGANIZE the interior of my jeep. WOW that is a task I didnt even want to attempt. THANKS A TON

So After I got my jeep back, we were on a mission to exchange our propane tank that ran out the night before, let me tell ya, out here in the sticks, its pretty difficult to do that, Koopmans (the local lumber company) was closed sundays, Walmart just sold out, but luckily Shaws was able to exchange it even though it was a different company.

After that fiasco, We came home and I weathersealed 2/3rds of the deck, i wasn't sure how far 1 gallon would get me, but I picked up another can today and will finish it Wednesday.

In the afternoon the Legers came over for a BBQ. Cassidy was eager to test out our swingset/slide and sandbox. And actaully craig was eager to try out the slide too but when he went down, it kinda bounced, and well lets say he didnt go down it again. In the end it was considered kid tested and kid approved. Although I got some handles on the recomendation of Daddy Craig for the top of the stairs. We had a nice time out in the back gettin some sun, through the baseball and hangin out with some great friends.


After work today I fired up the mower that my dad helped rebuild and tune up for me. I mowed the entire yard, which didnt take me as long as I thought it would. I really get a sense of appreciation for a lawn after its been mowed and the stripes are nice and straight. I guess i get it from growing up around a golf course.

Tomorrow is my big 2-5 Birthday!!! Unfortunatly, Amanda has her last grad class, BUT, the great wife that she is, called up my bro, craig and Jay to come on over, fire up the grill and fire up the firepit!!! Shes got the food ready and even baked me a cake, but I can't see it until tomorrow.

thats all for now, back to watching the sox!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

My New Birthday Grill

So when i got home after work I saw my early birthday present sitting at the end of the driveway.......


Now my old grill had a nice life, and I'm sure I may use it again (CountryFest). I picked up the old grill at a yard sale for free about 2 1/2 years ago. I had done many repairs to the grill and fixed it up quite a bite. It was finally starting to deteriorate and Amanda noticed the frustration I was having and the fact I needed tinfoil to secure the top rack. With my birthday around the corner, she decided to treat me to a new grill.....4 burners + side burner, drawer and cabinet for my grill supplies. It is great, Now i plan to build a small grill patio.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Great Tuesday Night Matchup

Tonites Air Hockey Matchup
Team Pittsburg Penguins - Jay Palazzo
Team Fitchburg Falcons - Sean Matthews
Team Craiggadrome- Craig Leger

In the first match-up of Team Pittsburg vs Team Craiggadrome, Craig destroyed Jay, a newcomer to the air hockey league. With a score of 17-3 Craig moved on to the finals.

In the second Matchup of Team Pittsburg vs Team Fitchburg (YEA that was craigs idea) it was a pretty tight match till the end. Jay and Sean Battled it out for victory. In this game we had expert comentating by Team Craiggadrome.

In the finals, Team Fitchburg proved to be a fierce competitor for Team Craiggadrome. They fought back and forth with Sean answer every goal scored by craig. Finally craig broke free and finished Sean off to run away with the 1st Annual Tuesday Night Air Hockey Match-up!!!!

For a full recap of the tournament.........call or IM Craig, he will give you every detail of the matches.

until next time........

Monday, April 20, 2009

updates - productive weekend

This past weekend we had some great weather and was able to be very productive. Starting out by starting my new part time job mowing greens at Blissfull meadows Golf Club, right down the street.

After that on Saturday, Amanda and I Picked up the guest room bed at her parents, managing to stop by a few yard sales on the way, (nothing good).

I got alot done in the yard, prepped the garden by the front fence to plant flowers, planted some seeds (we'll see if they grow). I also finished fixing up my mower.

I have to say, Ikea is a great store, there stuff is inexpensive and nice. But one thing about there stuff, they DO NOT make it easy to put together. We bought a nice queen size bed for the guest room at a good price. Brought it in the house and began putting it together. they make it sooo difficult and borderline impossible to get some of the screws in. I ended up deviating from the directions a bit since it was so frustratingly difficult. In the end, the changes I made were probably for the better and most likely made the bed stronger.



Sunday began much like Saturday....mowing grass at the golf course.

After work we headed out for a couple yard sales, one of which I found a small wooden replica of a kayak, alost exactly liek the one I built and used to propose to Amanda, I got it for $2 ....What a Steal!!!!

Amanda headed off to see her girls for a coffee in worcester and I did some work at the house.

I took a trip to Home Depot - mind you if i realized lowes was about the same distance away, I would have gone there. I like lowes much better.

I got some wood to rebuild the stairs at the playset/swingset. the existing stairs were not the safest and did not want anyone's children getting hurt. I took down the old ones and used them as a guide and rebuilt some new ones.

I was about to paint the playset, when I noticed the paint was nowhere to be seen. I quickly realized I had left the paint in the cart in the parking lot of home depot........OOPS!!! I called back and they said they would remix a can for me! (Amanda went and did that today, thats a whole different story you can ask her about) So instead I started painting the white trim and will soon paint the rest of it now that i have more paint. It really will look alot nicer and safer, when I am done.

This evening we completed a most important task, unpacking the LAST BOX!!!! I has been about a month and a half and finally can say we are all unpacked!! It feels great!

Thats all for now, oh yea GO SOX!!.....GO BRUINS!!.....GO CELTICS!! ITs a great time to be a Boston Fan!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mantown Update!!!!


Dr Eric had the day off today so he came on over to the house with Bailey to do a little work in the bar area. This is a slowly evolving room in the house. The minute I walked into this room when we originally were looking at the house, I saw the potential. Now, I see my vision. Those ugly wires sticking out of the wall, are now hooked up to speakers and they actually project sound and filled my vision. Dart board is up on the wall, and yes I did beat Eric in the inaugural match.

He does though have his claim to fame, beating me for the first game of Air Hockey, which also is a nice addition. We have created a space to hang out, relax and get away from the stresses of life. On the walls we decorated with sports memorabilia and other things that are important some way in our life.

Hooked up next to the tv, is a very important part of the bar, the karaoke machine. As most of you know, I love karaoke, no matter how good or bad I sound. I also have a permanent place for my shot glass collection that is growing and I need more space to display my future glasses

So that's all for now. more updates to come soon!!!!