Tuesday, July 6, 2010
been a while
So in preperation for the baby, operation office/nursery conversion is starting. I have begun clearing out the basement room to create the office, we need to:
-clear it out
-rip out MORE green carpet
-choose paint colors
-build built in desk
-re-carpet room
-move stuff in
-rewire room
then phase 2 will begin and that will consist of converting the current office into the nursery!!
so check back for more updates and photos as the work progresses!!
until next time....
Friday, February 26, 2010
Relay for Life
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Monday, February 22, 2010
Joslin Fishing Derby
Got SKUNKED!! No fish, but great fun, last weekend I embarked on my first fishing derby and we caught nothing but bait. We had a great time as Team Basshole did have one of the best snowman (snowgirl) made by the one the only Ciarra, the Ice Princess. I was out there with Rob, amandas Bro, Tom, Amanda's dad and Ciarra our niece.
We met some great guys from the IceShanty website and enjoyed some DELICIOUS Clam Chowder made by Lisa
The derby was to benefit Camp Joslin, a camp for kids with diabetes. So in the end it was fun and for the kids, they gave away tons of great prizes, Grampa Tom won 4 tickets to the Worcester Sharks!! so i guess we did catch 4 sharks out there!!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Ice Fishing
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Fenway is getting used tot he snow, seeing as though i have to shovel him out spots to play and go to the bathroom, he is enjoying it, the snow is about 12 inches deep, he is about 6-10 inches tall, you do the math, he's a short guy.
He had a fun Hanukkah, got some new toys, some treats and even got to play with bailey. We had a nice hanukkah too, spent some time at my parents with latkes and candles.
Went to Rob and Lisa's for an extended family christmas, Fenway got to play with Oliver and Mark & lauras new dog, Hercules the hot dog, another long dog friend.
So now its almost Christmas, quiet at work, everyone is off shopping and worrying about what cookies to bring to the holiday party. I thought, what a better time to take a moment and write in this trusty ole blog of mine. If you get bored of this, jump on over to Craigs page and read about some boston sports over at 4sportboston.com
Speaking of boston sports, the Bruins are playing at Fenway next week on Jan 1 for the Winter Classic. Tickets for that game were impossible to get and/or extremely expensive. So I bought a few raffle tickets to win some to benefit Travis Roy's foundation. The raffle was oringally to be pulled Nov 1...delayed to Dec 1.....delayed to Dec 18.....which brings us to to the final dealy of Dec 22....TODAY....I still have hope that I may win these tickets. It would be AWESOME....although we would have to cancel our plans we already made with friends.
And speaking of the winter classic.....this is one thing that is crazy, the city of boston gives 3000 free tickets to families in the city to skate on the ice, a once ina lifetime oppurtunity....and people are out there selling them on ebay/craigslist for thousands of dollars......thats insane....where is the fun in that!?!?!?!?!
So in the end, I'd like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season....Happy Hanukkah...Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
If any of you watched the patriots game on sunday you know what I am talking about.
Now this is something you would expect in ...say January or even March, NOT OCTOBER!!!! (side note....I am not hating on snow, i love snow, just not this early)
At our house it snowed all afternoon, it covered the ground but didn't have the chance to stick around for morning. We took Fenway out in it and he wasn't quite sure what to think of the huge flakes that were falling from the sky.
Now this week the weather is gettin back to normal, mid 60s right where it should be for the fall.....but i heard a forecast for rain again saturday.....ENOUGH WITH THE RAIN on the WEEKENDS!!!!! this whole year of weather has been crap. give us a break!!! We work all week and want to enjoy our weekends with nice weather.
well thats my weather rant for the day.